Chiropractors recognize that a primary reason for pain and illness often stems from the misalignment and irregular movement of the spinal vertebrae, known as a subluxation. Chiropractic treatment aims to eliminate these subluxations in the spine, thereby alleviating pressure and discomfort on the nerves, enhancing joint flexibility, and bringing the body back to its natural functioning state.
A variety of research has confirmed that chiropractic treatment is among the most successful approaches for addressing back pain, neck pain, headaches, whiplash, sports injuries, and numerous other musculoskeletal issues. It has also been proven to be effective in lowering blood pressure, reducing the occurrence of ear infections in children, and enhancing the symptoms of asthma. Increasingly, studies are highlighting the significant negative effects that subluxations can have on body tissues. For optimal health, it's crucial that the nervous system operates without interference from subluxations. Chiropractors are the only healthcare professionals trained in identifying, locating, and treating the complex of issues known as the vertebral subluxation complex through chiropractic techniques.
A chiropractic adjustment involves a swift pressure applied to a spinal bone to correct its alignment, motion, or both. These adjustments are often followed by a noticeable release of gas that sounds like a 'crack.' This sound might startle individuals for the first few times they receive an adjustment, but it typically feels soothing afterward. Sometimes, there's a slight ache, particularly if the nearby muscles are tense or the patient is stiff during the adjustment. There are also instances when the 'cracking' sound isn't heard. This usually happens because the muscles are very tight, or the patient is struggling to relax during the adjustment.
In this part, you'll discover pieces about the origins of chiropractic, the differences between wellness and medical treatment, and the specifics of what an "adjustment" entails and its application in a chiropractor's clinic.