Success Stories

Fedorko Chiropractic General Care Testimonials


I am alive because of Fedorko Chiropractic; they were able to pinpoint what was causing my rapid decline. I feel I would have died within 6 months if I had not come to them. I had seen lung specialists, ear nose & throat specialists, [an] allergist and infectious disease doctors prior to seeing Dr. Fedorko. My health has increased since being treated by the doctors at Fedorko Chiropractic.
-Betty Schadl



I don't think I will ever be able to thank Dr. Fedorko and Dr. Wilson enough for helping to reduce the daily pain I live with. I had been to so many orthopedic doctors and none could help me. In fact, another back surgery was advised. The pain in my back and neck was so bad that it totally changed my personality. I couldn't remember what it was like to not constantly be in pain, and I had given up all hope of ever being pain free and being able to have children. Dr. Fedorko and Dr. Wilson have given me back that hope. The pain in my lower back is almost completely gone! The pain in my neck is getting better. Fedorko Chiropractic was able to find out why I was having so many health problems and treat it. I had been to so many doctors and none of them took the time to try to figure out why my body was not healing from my surgery five years ago. Dr. Fedorko and his staff truly care about their patients and that is rare.

I recommend Fedorko Chiropractic to everyone! I am forever grateful for them for getting me back to the person I used to be, and for taking away most of my pain.

-Marla Thomas



When I hurt my back again, I went to Dr. Fedorko to work his magic and get me back in working condition, but the real problem was my weight. He gave me suggestions on healthier foods. As I listened, he mentioned a few key phrases that really inspired me. He said the next time I was confronted with choosing healthy over junk food ask myself this: "Is the instant pleasure you are going to get from eating this right now worth the pain you will suffer later? When you try those clothes on for that special party, class reunion, family wedding, or just a casual get-together and nothing fits, was that worth that instant indulgence? You must learn to say no thank you!" We have all heard this many times, it is nothing new, but for those of us who are struggling - think of the pain that you face every time you open that closet door, and nothing fits. He said if you only lose two pounds a month, in a year you will have lost twenty-four pounds! Now that is something to think about! I have lost twelve pounds as of today and I am loving it, I move quicker, have more energy, and the weight stays off. No more roller coaster dieting for me! In six more months, I will have lost the rest of the weight and will have reached my goal! This is so much easier than trying to set a goal of twenty or thirty pounds in four months by starving myself and putting weight right back on.

Technology has spoiled us, we live in the NOW, everything we want we get in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, our bodies do not work that way, they are old fashion. If you want to lose weight you have to eat less and exercise. There are no miracle pills or drugs on the market to slim you down quickly, even the small print of the diet containers says, "eat small, healthy portions and exercise!"

Dr. Fedorko, thank you so much for all your time and patience. I am losing the weight, exercising, and feeling great! Sometimes our minds need adjusting as well as our bodies. You are the best!

-Norma Hargrove



My husband was diagnosed with lung and liver cancer June 2008. He started chemo immediately and started taking supplements from Dr. Fedorko in August. They really made a difference in the way he felt. He was an avid woodworker and was able to do some of his large projects, he was obviously slowing down but still working. He was in his workshop until two weeks before his death in March 2009. The supplements gave him the 'quality of life' that he needed, thanks to Dr. Fedorko.

I will be forever grateful to you, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping him feeling as good as he did!!

-Loretta Hutte



I am 82 and love to dance. I've been ballroom and line dancing four to five times a week for 30 years. So, to keep my knees and joints pain-free my chiropractor, Dr. Fedorko, suggested I try Formulary. I take three capsules a day and haven't missed a dance yet! It really works great!

-Betty Ake

Standard Process Whole Food Supplements Testimonials


Dr. Fedorko,
I thought that you might like to know how I came about using the food-based supplements made by the
Standard Process Company. Five years ago I was in the hospital apparently with congestive heart failure.

I was devastated by the news because they told me there was no cure for this. To add to this problem,
my doctor ran additional blood tests and told me that he thought I had a kidney problem and might
need to have dialysis treatments. He sent me to a kidney specialist who told me that I had a stage four
kidney problem but had caught it in time not to need dialysis but needed to keep a close watch on it and scheduled me back again in three months to check it again.

Rather than feeling sorry for myself, I started
to hunt for alternative medications to help with my problems. About a month later I found an out-of-print book by Dr. Lee, the founder of the Standard Process Company describing how he developed his food-based supplements. Then, I located Dr. Bruce West, a supplier of these supplements for over
twenty-five years.

During this time, he developed a series of protocols using Standard Process Products
to help his patients with their problems. For example, his protocol for my congestive heart failure and
kidney problem consists of two Cardio-Plus, two Cataplex-B, three Congaplex three times a day per day after my meals, and one each of the following items per day with meals: Livaplex, Organic Bound
Minerals, Renafood and Arginex. In addition, twice per year I purge my liver and kidneys using a certain protocol. Dr. Fedorko can furnish you with this protocol after you've been on the kidney protocol for three months.

I'm 83 years old and have told all my family, friends and neighbors about Standard
Process Supplements. Ask Dr. Fedorko about your health problem and he will be happy to furnish you
with the protocol for it. At the outset, I bought my supplements from Dr. West but his shipping costs
were very high and the supplements were not always available when I needed them. By buying my
supplements from Dr. Fedorko, I solved both of these problems. Just ask Dr. Fedorko [or Dr. Kanel or Dr. Gatelaro] for any health protocol you need and they will be happy to provide the protocol for your

Yours for better health using Standard Process Products,
Earl W. Alexander



My name is Paul Ferdinand. For several years I have been taking the Formulary Joint Inflammation supplement recommended by Dr. Fedorko. When I run out of my supply or forget to take it for a period of two to three weeks I can tell the difference in my pain levels and mobility.- Paul Ferdinand, 2-18-09

Standard Process Purification Detox Testimonials

At the early age of 27 I had my first heart attack and received a surgery called a "rotoblader" and it was extremely painful; it was to clean out my arteries. I was put on nitro-patches, blood pressure medicine and cholesterol beta-blockers. Switched cholesterol medicines quite a few times due to the "side effects" which were not pleasant to say the least. After awhile things became more intense with pain... [click here to read more!]


I just wanted to pop in and let you know how proud I am that I completed the "SP Detox and Purification" Challenge, and I feel wonderful! As you may recall, on one of my last visits, I mentioned how hard it was for me to get my waistline back! I exercise, eat healthy, but try as I might, I was unable to lose about 8-10 extra pounds, that have crept on my body, now that I'm past 55. I admit, I was nervous about beginning the program. ... [click here to read more!]


"What? I Can Fly???"    That's exactly how I began to feel as I went through the SP Purification plan for 21 days (plus). Cleansing was not a task as I thought it might be. Having cleansed for short terms before, I did well because I was prepared and determined. I was never truly hungry, just craving. Actually now that I am finished and have had a month or so pass... I actually enjoyed... [click here to read more!]


The SP Cleanse program is wonderful! I lost weight and completely stopped craving cigarettes for the first time in the three years since I quit smoking! This was very easy to stay on, especially with the e-mail support. I was also happy that there were no gastric "surprises" or upsets.